Volume 16, number 2, 2021

Volume 16, number 2, 2021

Rachid Bagaoui et Youssef Sadik

«Forward. Social Sciences Challenged by the Issue of Recognition in the Workplace» (p. 15-25)

Rachid Bagaoui

«Management and Mobilization of Workers: from Illusio to Disillusionments» (p. 27-51)

Abstract: This contribution focuses on investment in work and the resulting disillusionment. Based on a survey carried out within a company, the text tries to account for the objective and subjective reasons that push workers to invest subjectively in an objective cooperation with the interests of their employers beyond the rationality specific to their work. It shows that the analysis of economic constraints and employer strategies are not enough to understand this investment. It is also necessary to place oneself on the side of the workers to understand their belief in their game and the stakes and the processes that lead to their adhesion. The concept of illusio, a relational concept forged by Pierre Bourdieu, allows us to unders­tand this dynamic that is established between workers and their place of belonging.

Key-words: management; objective and subjective constraints; illusio; disillusionment

Youssef Sadik

«Production Process, Work Conditions, and Human Resources Management in Call Centers» (p. 53-81)

Abstract: Work, this central value over all time, continues to mar the common life of all social categories, including that of senior citizens. All homes, families and spaces are formed, directly or indirectly, around this value which never ceases to disappoint! In this new international division of labor, work and dignity do not seem to coexist for long as long as a significant part of workers try to give meaning to their work so as not to reduce it to a simple quest for bread. The most telling sign of this new configuration is that of the call centers where young engineers, masters and doctors perform repetitive activities in a routine system with very low added value, spending the day answering calls to give information or to make a sale via the net. This article takes an x-ray of the production process of these closed systems, designed to standardize tasks, minimize innovation and control exception.

Key-words: call centers; production process; standardization; routine; human resources management

Jaurès Barnabé Kouin

«Reinventing Wage-Earning» (p. 83-115)

Abstract: This article reports a survey on wage-earning in the cities of southern Benin. Indeed, the exercise of wage-earning has evolved a lot in this beginning of the twenty-first century with a reversal of trends. The job market is resolutely submissived to the diktat of unbridled capitalism where a low offer of job always demanding conditions a growing request in a social and economic environment weakened by massive unemployment. Today, finding a job is a real ordeal that infers a physical and psychological cost where the conditions do not guarantee its permanence. We are witnessing a precariousness of job and the employee is in a constant quest for recognition in and through the activity which working conditions continue to deteriorate. The models of economic development that are proposed no longer succeed in convincing the community, which loses confidence in the effectiveness of economic policies enveloped in unbridled liberalism which constantly erodes the construction of identities and the social link. This decadence of wage-earning affects deeply men and society by relaunching both the debate on the future of wage-earning and the issue of social dynamic.

Key-word: reinvent; wage-earning, decadence, identities, Southern Benin

Amaena Guéniot

«Personal Qualification, a Recognition in the Working Place Paradigm» (p. 117-138)

Abstract: This article aims to compare two institutions of work, employment and personal qualification, from the point of view of recognition. The ambition is to demonstrate that employment involves a fundamental uncertainty about the continuity of the activity. This uncertainty translates into an actual or potential lack of recognition for workers. On the contrary, personal qualification allows a continuity of recognition to workers, not in their activity but in their capacities, in their power. Therefore, it is essential to distinguish between personal qualification, which allows us to testify recognition and respect for all the people who participate in social production, and the levels of qualification, which introduce differentiated levels of esteem.

Key-words: qualification; employment; recognition; institution; work

Abdellatif Tahir

«Integration of New Employees in Service Activities in Morocco: A Qualitative Study» (p. 139-168)

Abstract: In the last few years, management science researchers have carried out a body of work focusing on the theme of the Organizational Socialization of New Employees. This step is essential to determine the proactive behaviours favourable to their successful integration. The results on the effects of individual integration tactics are still incomplete and controversial. It is therefore necessary to identify the tactics favourable to a good integration before using the most interesting ones as independent variables. To test these theoretical propositions, this article discusses the analysis of twenty-six qualitative interviews. This helps to enrich the understanding of the behaviours and attitudes of new recruits on entering the organization.

Key-words: socialization; integration; organization; Learning; new recruits

Stéphane Richard et Roger Gervais

«Admiration for Those Who Do More Than What Duty Commands: What Is the Impact on Social Workers in Ontario and Quebec» (p. 169-198)

Abstract: Intrigued by the collision of normalities and their ability to teach us about workplace relations, especially of health professionals, this present article isolates the following statement: « I find it admirable when someone does more than duty commands ». This statement, answered by 1,197 social workers from Ontario and Quebec in 2012- 2013, should allow us to understand the effects of ascending comparison on workplace suffering. Our results will be tested against two groups of control variables: workplace condition and structural-organisational factors. Time and again, research have shown these factors to affect workplace well-being and suffering at work. Can ascending workplace admiration affect our sense of well-being even in the presence of such imposing variables?

Key-words: social worker, burden of practice, hyperwork, overworking, professional hyperactivity, work intensification, workplace well-being and suffering

Off Topic

Simon Laflamme

«Scientific Rationality, Disciplinarity, and Interdisciplinarity» (p. 201-236)

Abstract: This article questions the possibility of an interdisciplinarity that would be practiced outside the scientific field. To provide some answer, it shows how philosophy is intrinsically associated with subjectivity, how science progressively pulls away from philosophy, how this distancing enables the division of knowledge, how the division of knowledge calls for interdisciplinarity. Having established that, it reports some requests for an unscientific interdisciplinarity and then shows that these aspirations relate more to philosophy than interdisciplinarity.

Key-words: interdisciplinarity; discipline; philosophy; science; subjectivity; psyche

Ali A. Maïna

« Axioms of Economic, Sociological and Political Approaches to the Labor Market: A Theoretical Analysis Framework » (p. 237-266)

Abstract : The debate on the issue of labor market, in the era of globalization, essentially multidimensional and complex, plays a major role in academia, in the country’s decision-making bodies but also in popular discourse. All countries aim to make the best use of the productive forces so that each can contribute to overall success. However, implementing policies aimed to overcome the labor market problems poses challenges for countries in many ways. This article aims to better understand the economical, sociological, and political perspectives of the labor market in the production of knowledge. It draws on classical, neoclassical, monetarist, Keynesian, relational and critical analyzes of the market to clarify questions related to the functioning of the contemporary labor market.

Key-Words: labor market; theories; paradox; complexity; orthodox; heterodox; multidisciplinarity; interdisciplinarity; disciplinarity; sociology; economics; politics; debate

Book Reviews

Valérie Gauthier
Langues en contexte, Ali Reguigui, Julie Boissonneault, Leila Messaoudi, Hafida El Amrani et Hanane Bendahmane (dir.), Sudbury, Série monographique en sciences humaines, no 22, 2019, 394 p. (p. 267-271)
Roger Gervais
The Craft of Qualitative Research. A Handbook, Steven W. Kleinknecht, Lisa-Jo K. van den Scott et Carrie B. Sanders (dir.), Toronto, Canadian Scholars, 2018, 412 p. (p. 273-275)
Leonardo G. Rodrίguez-Zoya
La educación transdisciplinaria, Nahuel Aurelio Luengo et Fidel Francisco Martínez Álvarez, Buenos Aires, Comunidad Editora Latinoamericana, 2018, 220 p. (p. 277-280)
Ali A. Maina
Les migrations internationales et le développement. L’exode de compétences et les envois de fonds émigrés, Serge Feld, Paris, L’Harmattan, coll. « Populations », 2019, 242 p. (p. 281-284)
Soraya Baït
La conscience du lieu, Alberto Magnaghi, Paris, Eterotopia France, coll. « Rhizome », 2018, 176 p. (p. 285-289)